a-to-z-letters-rOf Edward Lear’s The Owl and the Pussycat of course!

They dined on mince and slices of quinceWhich they ate with a runcible spoon…

How can you not LOVE this word, or even try and conjur up what a runcible spoon looks like? To me it appears to be wooden with oddly shaped slotted grooves and lacquered black lines running through it. It just makes you want to eat something with one, no? Anything, really.

As a vegetarian, the mince wouldn’t work for me – unless it was a mince pie that is such a big hit in England. I think that’s just minced fruit. Not a fan of quince either – also a fruit. But everything must surely taste better for having dined with one, no?

I love Edward Lear’s gobbeldy gook that has the extraordinary ability to appeal to us as small children and stays with us as adults. Now that is a true gift.

I also love that my spell check keeps telling me with its angry red, hiccoughing lines that runcible is NOT a word. Ha!

Doing some research, I found that there’s a cafe in Bloomington Illinois called The Runcible Spoon and here’s the sign outside its door:


Sweet, no?

So. What does a runcible spoon look like to you? And what would you eat with it?